I rencently picked up a couple of Rimmel blushes that I am loving and thought I'd share them along with some other blushes that I like :)
Top row: Rimmel lasting finish blush in Spring Flower and Mary Kay blush in Shy blush
Bottom row: Rimmel lasting finish blush in Autumn Catwalk, ELF studio blush in Candid Coral, and Wet N Wild color icon blush in Heather Silk.
Top to Bottom: Heather Silk, Shy Blush,Candid Coral, Spring Flower, Autumn Catwalk. |
Autumn catwalk is a little more pigmented and is creamier than spring flower and needs a light hand. Spring flower is a great natural blush if you have a strong eye look going on, but it does require a little more working with to build up and blend. These are my first Rimmel blushes and I am very pleased with them.
Candid coral is nicely pigmented , as are all of the ELF studio blushes.It has a nice texture, not super creamy, but not chalky by any means. On my fair complexion, this one requires a light hand! I used this more in the summer for a peachy glow.
Shy blush oh how I've neglected you! You have sat in my z palette unloved. Well, no more! It was love at first swatch(well, not first, but first in a long time!). You are so rich and creamy and a dream to blend! *Swoon!* This has been my go to blush lately. It gives a lovely natural pinky/peachy flush. Why is this the only Mary Kay blush I own? It's seriously time to call the Mary Kay Lady!
Wet N Wild's heather silk is a highly pigmented rosey blush. The texture is nice and it's easy to blend. This definitely requires a light hand! It's very easy to go from 'nice flush' to 'clown' with this one!
What are some of your favorite blushes? I'd love to hear!
I hope you all have a great weekend. I won't be around this weekend. I'm unplugging to spend time with my family and reconect with my husband. It's been a busy week and we all need some family time and some R & R! I'll be back Monday with the blog hop and what's coming up and I'll be answering your comments :)
Thanks for reading!

They are all so pretty. Why did I never buy MK Shy Blush? The swatch color is amazing!
I was a little surprised when I swatched it! It's a great blush! :)
The Rimmel blushes are very cute...I've bee thinking about trying them myself!
The only blush I had for 3 years, up until very recently was MK Sunny Spice. It broke about 2 weeks ago. Waahh! :( I also have Candid Coral, love it :)
All those blush colors look very pretty.
Im a new follower!!! nice blog
Go for it Arielle! I really like them :) Thanks for reading!
Thank you Jazmin!
Thats a bummer amanda!
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