Friday, October 28, 2011

Banish Under Eye Circles! Part 3 Concealer Application

Finally, here is the final part to my Banish Under Eye Circles series! Read part one Here and part two Here

I would say that the key to good concealer application is to moisturize! Using an eye cream will hydrate the skin, making it 'plump'  up a bit thus reducing the appearance of fine lines. It will also reduce the chances of your under eyes looking cakey or creapy and in general improve the appearance of your eye area. Take care to be gentle around your eyes, as the skin is very thin and delicate.

These are the steps I follow to cover my under eye circles. When it comes to applying concealer or foundation first, it really is a personal preference. I prefer doing concealer after foundation because I find that when I do it before, it rubs off when I am blending my foundation. Do what works for you! 

Moisturize! Apply your eye cream in a patting motion, using your ring finger. 

Prime! Using a foundation primer or even an eyeshadow primer will smooth the skin under your eyes and prevent your concealer from creasing.

Using your ring finger, brush, or other applicator dot the concealer under your eyes. From inner corner to outer.

Blend using a patting motion. Blend all the way up to the lash line. Take care to be gentle around your eyes. The skin is very thin and delicate around your eyes. Rubbing can further exasperate the discoloration around your eyes. Tugging on the skin caused by rubbing over time can cause premature wrinkling or make existing wrikles and lines worse.

Try blending your concealer a little lower, towards your nose. Blend from your nostril to the outer corner of your lower lash line, creating a triangle. This highlights the entire eye area, making it look lighter and appear lifted.

Brushes- are personal preference. Generally I prefer to use my finger because the warmth from your finger warms the concealer. I find this helps it blend into my skin better. I sometimes use a fluffy blending brush, like you would use for blending eyeshadow, to blend out the edges of my concealer.

Set with Powder-To make your concealer stay put apply a loose powder. You can use translucent powder or if you want maximum coverage, use a mineral powder concealer. Apply powder using a small brush, sponge, or puff. Take care to not use too much powder so that you don't look cakey! 
Powders I like:
ELF Mineral Concealer
Bare Minerals Well Rested concealer

My Before and After

Before on the left and after on the right. My after is a full face of makeup (concealer, foundation, and eye make up).

Please excuse my towel head! I had to hurry before the sun moved :)

I am happy with these results! There is no miracle product out there that will magically erase all of our flaws. I know these results aren't perfect, but neither am I! I do the best I can and when all else fails, just embrace and love what you've got! I urge you to do the same :) 

I hope you have found this series informative and helpful. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or questions. 

Thanks for reading!
xoxo, J


G. said...

Oh wow what a difference!

InspiredBeauty said...

I know! Thanks for reading! :)

Pink Porcelain said...

i realy like this post i suffer with realy bad dark circles and it's such a pain to cover them up every morning, im forever buying new concealers to try and make them dissapear compleatly but i guess thats never going to happen haha


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